Our approach

Current systems make it too complicated for underserved communities to get the essential healthcare they need.  Enabled by the best-in-class Clinitouch smart platform, our approach is different.

It’s simpler… Community health workers are enabled to provide education, screening, monitoring and referrals for any health condition in any community all on one simple, offline Clinitouch app. Fully customisable for any non-communicable disease, infectious disease, or maternal, newborn and child health need.  

It’s smarter… Clinitouch is designed by leading doctors and uses smart algorithms to generate a red, amber or green score so a nurse, doctor or midwife at a facility knows when to take action to prevent diseases or conditions getting worse. Proven to reduce unscheduled hospital admissions by 67.5% and deliver a 484% ROI vs current systems. 

We provide millions of in-kind funding each year  

We provide unlimited licenses for the Clinitouch platform, plus clinical, technical, training, data and system design support as millions of in-kind funding to country partners, and work with them to build and scale the solution in country health systems.  

After launching at the end of 2023, we are already collaborating with leading non-profits to deploy new health services in Southern Africa, and working on establishing new partnerships to support many more communities in need. 

How we do it in practice

We work with partners in underserved communities to improve outcomes in two priority areas. We’re not focused on specific diseases as the communities need stronger primary healthcare systems for all conditions, not siloed disease programmes. Clinitouch is customisable for any health condition, so enables us to provide this.


  1. Education and screening to prevent or treat infectious or non-communicable diseases
  2. Maternal, newborn and child Health monitoring to protect against risks & complications

How it works

How we deploy our solutions

We help build and implement smarter health systems around the needs of communities, overcoming current barriers to care.

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We equip partners, health providers and community health workers with the industry best Clinitouch technology platform.

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Interested in partnering with us?

We’re always keen to hear from great partners that we can work with to deliver impact in underserved communities across the world.

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