How Clinitouch works

Community Health Worker App

Clinitouch can be used on a smart phone or tablet for education, screening questions and capturing clinical readings (from supporting diagnostic toolkits). Designed to be simple to use, and customisable for any health condition.  

Clinitouch patient App showing questions asked to the patient
Examples of the Clinician dashboard on the Clinitouch App

Clinician Dashboard

A simple dashboard on the Clinitouch clinician portal to quickly assess where and when intervention is needed. The smart algorithm converts question sets and health metric data into an easy red, amber or green rating for every patient, enabling early and prompt intervention.

Devices and Measurements

Clinitouch can integrate with any measurement tool or device, tailored to your specific use cases. Its secure functionality enables healthcare providers and community health teams to conduct assessment of vital signs and clinical observations over time.

Example of metrics and measurements taken on Clinitouch
Examples of available integrations for the Clinitouch App


Clinitouch is FHIR/HL7 compliant, enabling integration with a wide variety of electronic patient record systems. Our team of software developers and clinicians can guide you to build data integrations that perfectly match your needs. 

Messaging and video calls

Communicate easily and quickly through messaging and video calls, whether that’s from health clinics to community health workers or connecting with specialists needed for timely advice and interventions.

Example message received on the Clinitouch App

Need more information?

Read more about Clinitouch and how it works, on the Clinitouch website.

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